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Friday, October 4, 2013

3 Proven Weight Loss Tips

Have you dreamed of having a sexy smoking hot bikini body? If you wish to turn that dream into a reality, you are reading the right stuff now. The rise of fast food joints that have too high amounts of saturated fat, refined sugar, and other processed foods besides eating food with low fiver content are the major contributors to the rising number of people who are classified as obese or overweight worldwide. As a start, it will be helpful if you could practice the 3 following steps to kick start your weight loss program.

1. Be Realistic

Setting realistic targets is crucial to endure a successful weight loss program. If you weigh 170 pounds and your long term goal is to reach 120 pounds and you have not weighed 120 pounds in your entire life even when you are 16, ask yourself is this a realistic target? The answer is a definite NO. You could use the BMI (Body Mass Index) as an indicator on whether you would need to lose weight. Any reading between 19 and 25 is regarded as normal and healthy. Any reading above 30 falls in the obese category and you should start doing something about it.

2. Do NOT Have the Do or Die Attitude

An all or nothing approach can be detrimental to your efforts in losing weight. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively. You do not need to have perfection in carrying out your weight loss programs. It is perfectly fine if you did fall short of some goals, just carry on and look forward for the following day or week. After all, self encouragement should be central to losing weight otherwise u will for sure FAIL.

3. Set a Goal That Can Be Measured

Saying that you are going to be more positive and focused this week is not a goal that can be measured and therefore must not be a part of your weight loss program. Include exercises to your weight loss plan and focus on it. Set a goal that can be measured such as minutes of exercise or number of repetitions of a certain weightlifting. The bottom line is your weight loss program will only succeed when you incorporate goals that can be measured and motivate you towards success.

For More Related Topics Blog: Dottis Weightloss Zone

For More Related Topics Blog: Dottis Weightloss Zone

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